Tips to Overcome Exam fear.
Ans. The following mentioned are few ways for overcoming exam fear:
1. Starting to revise early: Students who start revising their part early find themselves to answer without any stress or exam pressure. Students are often advised to revise early because practice makes a better understanding.
2. Making own timetable: A student should be well aware of the subjects that he/she needs to work with. It’s not about the result but also the length of material or depth of the contents that a student should need to know about. Student needs to create own timetable for all the 7 days of the week.
3. Ensure Mix of subjects: While making timetable, its best to study one subject in the morning and other subject in evening. Studying the same subject will make you feel bored or.
4. Fix Target for the day: Without aim there is no way to achieve anything in life. Even fixing a target for the day is crucial. A student should break down these chapters as against the days among the chapters or topics needed to revise.
5. Allocate time for breaks: You might get up for your bath or using washroom, you need to wash your clothes, you need to clean the room, etc. All these can be considered as break. Then a student has to take dinner, lunch, breakfast as well.
6. Sleep well: Every person should sleep minimum of 6-7 hours because a sound sleep can keep physically & mentally fit. A student should not compromise with sleep.
7. Balanced meal: Students should take balanced meal all the time. They often tend to skip a meal or breakfast during exam time which is a great mistake because it deprives brain of vital nutrients.
8. Decide when to study: Student should decide him or herself about when to study. Because it varies from person to person.
9. Entertainment: Sports is a way of entertainment. Sports like Cricket, Football, Tennis & also bi-cycle riding can provide good health as well as entertainment . Watching tv,going for a short walk, going to the gym, doing gardening, doing any other house chores are some sort of activities that will distress and refresh your mind.
So, exam fear can be removed by following above techniques.